Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Scoop!

I cannot believe that it is already Sunday!! I am pretty sure that we must have skipped Saturday... but on the bright side this is our first Sunday Scoop link up! I have been trying to keep up with my blogging and have been getting lost in some amazing blogs that I have found through linking up with others :) So here it goes.....

3 things that I have to do: 

1. I tend to get distracted creating products for TPT and I have to make sure that I am stirring my sauce every once in a while so it does not burn! It would not be a Sunday in our Italian house without sauce. 
2. My plans HAVE to get done today! I have everything copied and I have my new guided reading books for the week and the skill that I am working on I just have to sit down and write them in my planbook!
3. Food shopping probably should be #1 on my list of things that have to get done today. I dread going food shopping on a Sunday but that is what I get for saying "I can go tomorrow after work" every day this week and never going!

2 things I hope to do:
1. I really hope that I have time today to finish (or at least continue to work on) my Wizard of Oz themed classroom decor pack. I LOVE that movie and I have been creating different products to put up on TPT.
2. The dreaded "L" word! LAUNDRY!! Why can't there be a little laundry fairy to wash, dry, fold, and put away your laundry?!?! 

1 thing I am happy to do today: 
1. My husband is amazing and he is always taking care of me when I am not feeling well so today it is my turn to take care of him. In between gatorade and soup runs I will be trying to complete everything else on my Sunday Scoop list! 

On that note time to go stir my sauce and check up on the hubby :) 

-Lisa Marie 


  1. I found you through The Sunday Scoop. I'm also a Self Contained SDC teacher. I always love stumbling across other SPED teachers! I'm so happy I don't have any laundry to do (living in my pajamas for the most part for the past 3 weeks has its perks!), luckily I have enough clean clothes to last the week!

    You AUT-a Know

    1. Thanks for visiting! It is great to meet other SPED teachers :) We are following you as well :)
